Neat links

88x31 button hell

Dig Deeper - Recommended for privacy Quit Twitter! Join Mastodon! Spyware Watchdog - Recommended for privacy Vivaldi, my Chromium-based browser of choice

Boney's software of choice

I recommend checking out alternatives to your current programs on's list of popular open source programs and services. This is currently under heavy construction while I add links, alphabetize them, fix up my messy code, and so on.

Credits for graphics and junk

Flag icons made by GoSquared. Social media buttons also made by GoSquared.

Fancy CSS effects such as rumble, shudder, and deletion made by Leaonarnott. Image-flipping and truncating from CSS-Tricks. More to be added.

Various buttons from, A. N. Lucas, and other sites that I can't recall because lol 88x31 button hell.

Any ASCII used was generated by TAAG.

(Last updated 2019.10.07)
Click the dooting skelly to return home