What's up, internet?

You can call me Boneflowers/Boney/Ultimate D, and I'm gay goth geek garbage. I'm also a language nerd, anime fan, computer/internet addict, and maybe a future programmer?! My beautiful but mildly flawed animu was made at Waifu Labs, it's almost as androgynous to be a husbando-sona and even appears to be wearing some dank suspenders!


Gender: Male (FTM)
Pronouns: he/him/his
Age: 27 (Taurus if you care about that)
Location: Midwest USA
Nationality Stupid American
Ethnicity: White American Mutt (French, Polish, with lots of British Isles and Germanic, lol. Comme unique!)
Religion: Pastafarian
Sexuality: Panromantic pansexual
Likes: ART, creepy things, meat, puns/wordplay, Shiba Inu doggos (I'm owned by one)
Dislikes: Bigots, failure, germs, my dumb sick body, wearing pants

General Interests

90 Day Fiance, Ancient Egypt, animal rights, anime/manga, art, computers, cooking, cryptids/cryptozoology, dragons, environmentalism, feminism, FLOSS, foreign cultures/languages, genealogy, Halloween, history, horror, human rights, linguistics, Linux, monsters, music, mythology, paranormal, piracy, Pokemon, psychology, reptiles, skeletons, technology, television, travel, web design, western animation, world peace, writing...

Languages of Interest

(From most interest to least, with alt test in the ISO 639-3 and country code format. Ex. ENG-US for American English.)

Spoken languages

English, American (ENG-US) - Native Spanish, Mexican (SPA-MX) - B1 Tagalog (TGL-PH) - A1 French, Canadian (FRA-CA) - A1

Not-yet-spoken languages

Japanese (JPN-JP) Korean, South Korean (KOR-KR) Swahili (SWA-KE) Arabic, Egyptian (ARZ-EG)
Vietnamese (VIE-VN) Chinese, Mandarin (CMN-ZH) German, maybe German or Swiss? (GER-DE) Hindi, unless I decide on Urdu instead (HIN-IN)

(Last updated 2019.10.07)
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